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Action Rating: 2 Arrows

Empowerment Rating: 5 Crowns

Visibility Rating: 5 Stars

Created by Barbaras - Avedon and Corday - this badass buddy cop show features the thoughtful, soft-hearted, blue collar wife/Mom/and cop, Mary Beth Lacey and her partner the gruff, tough-yet- vulnerable, career-driven, ex-uptown-girl–turned-cop, Christine Cagney; as they fight crime and misogyny on the mean streets of the Big Apple. Chris Cagney played by excellent actors: Loretta Swit in the original pilot film; Meg Foster for the first six episodes; and Sharon Gless who remains the iconic Chris to Tyne Daley’s epic Mary Beth, in the ultimate perfect chemistry combo of real women with real issues who still manage to kick ass.

Creator: Barbara Avedon & Barbar Corday
Release Year: 1981
Genres: Crime Drama Mystery
Cast: Tyne Daly; Al Waxman; Martin Kove; John Karlen; Sharon Gless; Carl Lumbly