Action Rating: 5 Arrows
Empowerment Rating: 5 Crowns
Visibility Rating: 5 Stars

Secrets lead to sour grapes at the winery, as Amanda tries to keep her late Uncle’s notes from one badass Baddie who’s willing to beat the crap out of her to get them. Both action and suspense lead us to the unanswered questions; who or what is Compass Rose and what makes dead Uncle’s notes so damn valuable?
Watch this film either singly, or in the "Just for Kicks... and Laughs" block, which contains the following films; Tea Time, Combat Nuns, Part I and Part II, Compass Rose, Interloafer, The Rescue, Blind Date.
Director: Emily Dell
Type of Film: Short
Price: $3.99 - shorts block; $.99 - single short (48 hour rental)
Release Year: 2015
Series Info:
Country of Origin: USA
DVD: Not Available
Cast: Matt Berberi; Monique Ganderton; Tara Macken