Action Rating: 5 Arrows
Empowerment Rating: 5 Crowns
Visibility Rating: 5 Stars

Life Lessons of Badass Women Boxers dealing with past and present abuse, strip clubs, suicide attempts, self-doubt, love, physical and mental pain, blood, broken bones, broken hearts, money worries, fear of failure - all while training their asses off; as they find personal success through mutual support and friendship on their journeys to fight glory; in this beautifully filmed documentary, by Boxer/Filmmaker Jill Morley.
Director: Jill Morley
Type of Film: Feature
Price: $3.99 (48 hour rental)
HD Streaming – single short:
Release Year: 2013
Series Info:
Country of Origin: USA
DVD: Not Available
Cast: Jill Morley, Maureen (Million Dollar Baby) Shea, Susan Merlucci-Reno, Kimberly Tomes and Melissa Hernandez.