Action Rating: 5 Arrows
Empowerment Rating: 5 Crowns
Visibility Rating: 5 Stars

Awesomely odd, strikingly original and crazily classical; a skank prank pisses off one of two ladies engaging in High Tea under water. Yes, I said under water. In one of the coolest fight scenes ever, these fancy dames duke it out in one helluva choreographed battle of the bitches without taking a breath, and emitting very few bubbles. The candlestick duel is truly BADASS! This film is a mix of art, skill and kickassery that deserves a standing O.
Watch this film either singly, or in the “Tough Chicks” block, which contains the following films: Fresh Blood, Alyce Searches, Battlers, The Legend of Johnnie Swann, Fooled.
Director: Mandy Kowalski
Type of Film: Short
Price: $3.99 - shorts block; $.75 - single short (48 hour rental)
Release Year: 2015
Series Info:
Country of Origin: USA
DVD: Not Available
Cast: Allison Caetano; Mandy Kowalski