Action Rating: 5 Arrows
Empowerment Rating: 5 Crowns
Visibility Rating: 5 Stars

A team of two badass women prove their mettle in the sport of Formula 2 Sidecar Racing, as Driver and Monkey, they muscle their bike, Dixie, in one a helluva steep leaning and learning curve against more seasoned competitors and crappy injectors. This is a tale of guts, skill, tenacity and pure adrenaline joy.
Watch this film either singly, or in the “Woman in a Man’s World” block, which contains the following films: Mercy, Queen of the Road, The Monkey and Her Driver
Director: Ned Thanhouser
Type of Film: Short
Price: $3.99 - shorts block; $2.49 - single short (48 hour rental)
Release Year: 2017
Series Info:
Country of Origin: USA
DVD: Not Available
Cast: Kendra McDonald; Elizabeth Herlocker